Emergency Dental Care on 17th Ave in Calgary

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We’re Here for You, No Matter the Problem

Dental emergencies can be stressful, overwhelming, or even scary, but knowing where to go can make a difference. Our team is here to help when you experience a dental emergency, whether it’s a lost tooth, swelling, or severe toothache. 

Visit Rockwood Dental on 17th Ave. in Calgary, and we can help care for your oral health when you need it most. Never assume a problem will resolve on its own.

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What’s a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is when your teeth or oral health are at risk. Even something seemingly insignificant, like a toothache, can lead to serious problems. 

Dental emergencies need the help of a medical professional. The sooner we see you, the sooner we can help address the problem. In some situations, like a lost tooth, there’s a short time you can receive treatment. 

Common dental emergencies include: 

  • Toothache
  • Chipped or broken tooth
  • Lost tooth
  • Badly bitten lip or tongue
  • Something stuck between the teeth
  • Lost filling

What to Do If You Lose or Break a Tooth

A lost or broken tooth can seem like the end of your smile, but swift action can help you preserve your tooth. Visit us within the hour, and we can help as best as possible. 

While you should seek professional care right away, you can take quick steps to give yourself the best chance of saving your tooth.

Broken Tooth

If you break a tooth, rinse your mouth with warm water immediately to clean the area. Apply pressure to stop bleeding and use a cold compress to reduce any swelling.

Find the piece of the broken tooth if you can, wrap it in wet gauze and bring it with you to our office.

If you lose a tooth, handle it by the top only, and never touch its root. Inspect the crown and root for any missing areas, and gently rinse the tooth in a bowl of lukewarm tap water for no more than 10 seconds.

Try to place the tooth back in its socket and bite down slowly and gently on gauze or moist paper towel to hold it in place. If the tooth can’t get back in, place it between your cheek and gum or in a container of cold milk or your saliva.

Visit us immediately afterward. You only have a short time to treat a lost tooth.

Protecting Your Smile in Calgary & Beyond

Emergencies can happen when you least expect them, but knowing where to go can help prevent further damage to your oral health. Our team is here to help, no matter the emergency. Visit Rockwood Dental on 17th Ave. or another medical professional immediately when you experience a dental emergency.

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Visit Our Office

Rockwood Dental is located on 17th ave., between 9th and 10th Street SW. If you’re looking for parking, we offer free parking directly in front of our office.

Can’t find us? Give us a call!

Our Address

  • 102, 1032 17th Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T2T 0A5

Contact Us

*We are open on alternate Saturdays

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