Employment at Rockwood Dental

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Interested in Joining Our Team?

We’re always interested in adding hardworking, passionate individuals to our team at Rockwood Dental. If you fit this description, we’re interested in hearing from you! 

Please send us an email to reception@rockwood.dental with the following information, and a member of our team will be in contact soon: 

  • Name 
  • Contact information
  • Position type
  • Resume

Visit Our Office

Rockwood Dental is located on 17th ave., between 9th and 10th Street SW. If you’re looking for parking, we offer free parking directly in front of our office.

Can’t find us? Give us a call!

Our Address

  • 102, 1032 17th Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T2T 0A5

Contact Us

*We are open on alternate Saturdays

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