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Can Toothaches Cause Headaches?

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Toothaches can be excruciating pains, making speaking, concentrating, or sleeping soundly difficult. However, most people don’t know that toothaches can also cause headaches.

There are different types of toothaches and headaches; some are more closely related than others. 

This is why you should consult your dentist when you feel any tooth or jaw-related discomfort. A combination of toothaches and headaches can be an underlying sign of a deeper issue. 

Types of Toothaches

Tooth Decay

Tooth decay starts when the bacteria in your mouth create acid that gradually eats away at the enamel and dentin of your teeth. This can cause weakened teeth, cavities, or cracks. If left untreated, tooth decay can progress into the sensitive inner layers of your teeth, causing extreme pain.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection of the soft tissues that support your teeth. It’s caused by plaque buildup on the teeth, which can gradually lead to gum damage and tooth loss. Symptoms of gum disease include red, swollen, or bleeding gums and bad breath. As periodontal disease progresses, the pain and inflammation become more severe.

Abscessed Tooth

An abscess is an infection at the root of your tooth. It’s caused by the buildup of bacteria and dead tissue within the tooth, leading to pus formation and extreme pain. If you experience tooth sensitivity, swelling, and throbbing pain, seeking immediate dental attention is vital. Neglecting an abscessed tooth can lead to serious health complications, including nerve damage, bone loss, and tooth loss.

Cracked or Broken Tooth

A cracked or broken tooth can cause mild to severe pain, depending on the extent of the damage. This type of toothache is usually caused by trauma to the mouth, such as biting down on hard foods, severe bruxism, or suffering from an injury.

How Do Toothaches Cause Headaches?

Referred Nerve Pain

The nerve paths of teeth and heads are closely connected, so toothaches could cause severe headaches. This pain around your head and jaw could last for hours, leading to weakened concentration, blurred vision, and body discomfort.

When you experience a toothache, pain signals are transmitted through the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for the primary sensory supply to the face, mouth, and nasal cavity. As the toothache progresses, the pain receptors become more active, causing an inflammatory reaction at the site of infection.

This inflammation puts more pressure on the nerve tissues within the teeth and gums around the affected tooth. This increased pressure triggers a reaction in the trigeminal nerve, transmitting pain signals to the brain.

Once these pain signals reach the brain, they initiate the headache’s perception, which combines with the other causes of headaches, such as anxiety, emotional stress, or physical strain.

Common Signs of Infection

Referred pain can be unbearable, so it’s important to see your dentist when you have signs of a tooth infection, including:

  • Extreme toothache
  • Bad breath
  • Fever
  • Pain while chewing or talking
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Swelling over the infected tooth
  • Swollen neck glands
  • Jaw swelling

One of the initial ways to address toothache-induced headaches is to treat the root cause of the toothache. It’s always recommended to consult your dentist promptly. 

Your dentist can examine the affected tooth and suggest a treatment option that addresses the infection, reduce inflammation and eventually alleviate your toothache—this can, in turn, contribute to the easing of your headache.

A woman holds the side of her jaw due to toothache pain.

What Types of Headaches Can Toothaches Cause?

Toothaches can lead to various headaches, and it’s essential to understand how it happens and how to deal with it.

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common headache people experience when they have a toothache. This type of headache occurs when your neck, scalp, and jaw muscles contract and cause pain. Toothaches can cause tension headaches by causing your muscles to tighten around the head, neck, and shoulders. This tension results in a headache that can feel like a tight band around your head.

Sinus Headaches

Your sinuses are located just above and below your teeth. When you have a tooth infection, the inflammation can spread to your sinuses and cause a sinus headache. A sinus headache typically causes dull, throbbing pain in the forehead and face. You may also feel pressure around your eyes and nose.

Migraine Headaches

Migraines are severe, recurring headaches that cause throbbing pain and intense discomfort. Toothaches can trigger migraines by causing nerve irritation in the face and head. However, the nerves can work in the opposite direction, with migraines causing toothaches. 

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are rare but excruciating headaches that typically last a few days or weeks. Toothaches can trigger cluster headaches due to nerve irritation and inflammation near the affected tooth. You may experience intense pain on one side of your head, a droopy eye, a runny nose, or nausea.

Treat Tooth Pain at the Source

Toothaches can be a sign of many dental problems, and if they start to affect your head pain, it can make the situation miserable. By visiting your dentist as soon as you experience toothache symptoms, you can address the root cause of the problem and reduce inflammation, ultimately leading to faster relief from headache symptoms.

Regular dental exams and cleanings can help prevent the many dental issues that can lead to toothaches and headaches. Visit Rockwood Dental for your dental checkup and support a healthy smile.

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Rockwood Dental is located on 17th ave., between 9th and 10th Street SW. If you’re looking for parking, we offer free parking directly in front of our office.

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  • 102, 1032 17th Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T2T 0A5

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