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$1 Dental Exam in SW Calgary

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A complete dental exam is an important part of your dental health. It can help you maintain the smile you deserve and protect the health of your gums, tongue, and teeth.

Now protecting your teeth is more affordable than ever because at Rockwood Dental we’re offering $1 dental exams for all new patients

Protecting Your Smile With a Dental Exam

Dental exams are an essential aspect of maintaining good oral health. Regular exams allow us to check for any potential problems and provide necessary treatment to prevent further complications.

The Canadian Dental Association says you should have a check-up about every 6 months, though studies show that most Canadians only go once every 1 or 2 years. Some problems can only be diagnosed by an exam, and the earlier you notice a problem, the easier and less expensive it’ll be to treat.

For example, your dentist can diagnose signs of tooth decay which can wear down your enamel and lead to cavities. If not treated early on, it can even lead to gum disease and, eventually, tooth loss.

Dental exams are also a perfect time to look at your gums. If tartar on your teeth infects your gums, it can lead to gingivitis, weakening your gum’s hold on your teeth. The good news is you can almost always prevent gum disease if caught in time. So if you notice bleeding and puffy gums, it’s time to come in for a check-up.

A boy at the dental clinic getting his tooth cavities removed.

What You Can Expect At a Rockwood Dental Exam

In your exam, your dentist will give a complete inspection of your teeth and gums, including:

  • Damaged or missing teeth
  • Signs of cavities
  • Hints of inflammation or gum disease
  • Condition of any previous dental work
  • The spacing and bite of your teeth
  • The general condition of your jawbone
  • Signs of cysts

And many more essential wellness factors. In addition to a thorough exam, you’ll also get a professional cleaning to remove plaque and tartar buildup that could lead to tooth decay and gum disease. A deep cleaning can also help freshen your breath and give your smile a brighter appearance, boosting your confidence and letting the true you shine through.

For $1, you get all this and an entire review of your medical and dental history. In addition, we can accept current X-rays or can take new ones at an additional charge.

A Great Opportunity for New Patients in Calgary

A dental exam is an excellent opportunity for new patients to experience Rockwood Dental’s comprehensive services. We’ll take the time to understand your oral health concerns and provide personalized recommendations for maintaining good oral health. And for $1 it won’t leave your wallet any lighter either.

Your smile isn’t something you can toss away, and protecting it shouldn’t leave you broke. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take control of your oral health and book your $1 dental exam today!

Visit Our Office

Rockwood Dental is located on 17th ave., between 9th and 10th Street SW. If you’re looking for parking, we offer free parking directly in front of our office.

Can’t find us? Give us a call!

Our Address

  • 102, 1032 17th Ave SW
  • Calgary, AB T2T 0A5

Contact Us

*We are open on alternate Saturdays

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